Friday 31 May 2013

How Sunsilk presences in Social Media

Hi Everyone, Today I am writing my blog post on the presence of Sunsilk Shampoo in Social Media through Social Media Brand Health Check. It is about a comparison of the presence of a brand relatively to the competitors. The Social Media Health Check analyze your performance in Social Media Marketing  and direct to attend more on your week points. Social Media has become the point of creating and developing online conversations on brands which can gain positive or negative emphasis on them. So it should clearly planned, draft and amplify towards the benefits. 
As all of us know Sunsilk is a famous shampoo brand which competite with brands like Dove, Head & Shoulders, Clear.etc Let's move on to the analysis via Social Media Brand Health Check, it is based on 5 main criterias. They are Reach, Quality of Audience, Engagement, Share of Voice and Sentiment.
  • Reach:  Number of people the Brand reach through their own social media profiles
  • Quality of Audience:  How the audience relevant to the brand from it's target audience
  • Engagement: How much the people engage with the brand through these social media profiles
  • Share of Voice: How often the people talk about the brand within the social media
  • Sentiment: The conversations about the brand are positive or negative
For the convenience in comparing I am taking Kumarika shampoo and Dove shampoo as competitors. The brand Kumarika and Sunsilk have the same target audience, they are 19-45 year female who belongs to B,C and D category. (Social and Economic Categories). Brand Dove hasn't the same audience according to demographic basis, but it has clear similarity on the basis Psychological, as both brands compete for innovative females who desire on new fashions.

Sunsilk plays as a Hair care consultant by providing hair care tips and verity range of shampoo and conditioner products covers lot of problems within the audience. So I am taking Dreamron Sri Lanka as a competitor of Sunsilk Shampoo engage with a different industry.
As you can see the Sunsilk brand has got 79.54545455 points approximately 80 so it can be interpreted as the brand comparatively successful on Social Media, but few areas should be improved to be more successful. Another point I want to highlight is the Klout Score is lower and it can be increased by engaging with more moments and events within the Social Media, it may be a minus point for Sunsilk Shampoo against the Dove Shampoo.

Based on the overall score I can conclude that the Sunsilk reach their audience through Facebook, YouTube & Twitter. in Twitter they are not much engaged as Dove but in YouTube they play a good role. The major issue I see here is Sunsilk isn't use any other platform in Social Media like the Dove does, they have engaged with Google+ also. I suggest Sunsilk to be active in Google+ and also in LinkedIn as it is some kind of Expertise hair care solution in the global sector. As the score of SMBHC is an indication to the brand which can direct the brand towards the success.

Have a nice day!

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant blog post. Most blogs you read online are boring and don’t offer much information. This was really helpful.And also to know more about social media marketing .
    Thank you
