Friday 12 June 2015

10 Marketing lessons you can learn from Hollywood movies

Movies are always aspirational, sometimes they touch some points that we have never thought of. Of course, they provide us lessons that important for personal life and for work life. They sometimes they change us, make us believe in ourselves, help us to dream big and provide the strength to face challenges.

Here in this article, I have come across and grab 10 quotes from my favourite Hollywood movies that can be a lesson for marketers.

 “The most valuable commodity I know of is information.” Information is the most important thing before you doing everything. Marketing research is important and it comes at first. – (Wall Street)

“Nothing is ever locked” - Grab the opportunity, never think that the door is closed for your brand just try and win. (Now You See Me)

“I will be back” - If you fail once, come back and attack your competitor. You fail only you were unable to get up when your competitor attack your brand, so if you once fail come up with another strategy. (Terminator)

“I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse.” - Make your product like that way! If you make your offer align with your customer, it can’t be ever refused by them. Study your customer and make the best offer for them. (The Godfather)

I’m scared, but I’d rather risk my life than spend it out here.” - Take risks! Without taking risks, you won’t become successful. (The Maze Runner)

“You put enough time in the wrong hands, you upset the whole system.” - Manage your portfolio, make sure you are putting marketing effort on the right brand. (In-Time)

"Why so serious?" - About the content marketing strategy, if you are managing your brand’s social media platforms you can’t be serious at every time. Be cool, write something fun and be consistent with your brand's’ overall marketing strategy. (The Dark Knight)

”We lived on farms, then we lived in cities, and now we're going to live on the Internet!” - Marketplace and consumer are always changing, study the changing behaviours and adjust your strategy according to the that. (The Social Network)

“Show me the money!” -Your marketing program should generate profits, after all you should show the sales. If your strategy is not giving you sales in return it is not successful, think about the ROI and continue. (Jerry Maguire)

"You’re not the contents of your wallet." - You can do bigger than you do if you seriously look at it, higher investments are always don’t need to success. Social media is one big example. (The Fight Club)

As a marketer, what you have been learned from movies? I look forward to a wonderful marketing discussion in the comments.

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