Sunday 5 May 2013

It is Digital Marketing Revolution,,, Where are we in?

Hi Everyone, This is my first blog post and I am going to commit this to write on a vital topic, It is “Digital Marketing Revolution, Where are we in?”

Digital Revolution can be defined as the conversion from Electronic technology to Digital Technology. If I explained it more we have amend from VHS tapes to CD, DVD, type writer to printer, TV from LTD,LED,Peo TV, Dialog TV, Land phones to mobile phones, even from simple mobile phones to smart phones and Tablets, Mail to E-mail, Analog photography to Digital photography, Desktop computers to Laptops and Notebooks. Just imagine how much our lives become convenience through this.
So I am moving on to the ways of using it as a marketing tool. Today the marketing has grown to be a conversation between companies, customers, consumers, competitors, influences and all others. Internet has become the hub of it and now we are capable with entering and continuing these conversations. The World Wide Web, Social Media allows us to track others’ marketing conversations and it provides entry points.

In marketing, companies are trying to create and deliver a unique value better than their competitors. At the same time customers are seeking for exceptional value. Internet is the medium of exchanging values  within these two parties, it allows to exchange of currency too.

In past times customers had to visit companies to see products, gather information through various sources, evaluate each alternative and decide. From companies perspective they had to use one way communication methods, consider on exterior and interior environment better, another tool to track the post purchase behavior of them. Now it is more convenience as a result of digital marketing revolution. Through a one tool both parties can engage with all the activities of marketing, selling and customer retaining.

When come to Sri Lanka it is also connected with the global revolution of digital marketing via variety of methods,World Wide Web, Social Media like Facebook Twitter my space, You tube videos, E-mails and Mobile messages. There are 15% internet users in Sri Lanka and they have enrolled with Facebook, Twitter, Google+. Most of Sri Lankan customers are enjoying their shopping with online sites.

Just think about these sites Gossip Laka,,,, how much we are familiar with those. When you need travel somewhere we go through on websites like Sri Lankan Traveler to find out. If we are seeking a job we go to than looking a news paper. How many fashion retailers have their fan pages and how many times of we are visiting there to catch new trends. If we are in need of traveling outside from Sri Lanka, Are we going to the ticketing agency to buy airline ticket? No we just reserve it through online and we are paying for it via credit card. These are only some examples in our lives with digital marketing revolution as Sri Lankan customers.

At the end of this post I would like to conclude as a Sri Lankan we are ready for the Digital Revolution as we have engaged with that...

Have a nice day!

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