Sunday 12 May 2013

Instant checking on Mount Lavinia Hotel's web site usability through 25 points

Website usability is a measurement on a web site’s ability to achieve the objectives of the user. It can be measured through 25 points under 4 dimensions. 

They are,
  •   Accessibility
  •   Identity
  •   Navigation
  •   Content
I have chosen the web site of Mount Lavinia Hotel to check the web site usability of it under the above dimensions. Mount Lavinia Hotel is a well known historical 5 star hotel located in Mount Lavinia.

The site loads within 5 seconds and it is such a reasonable time for a user. The background of the site is white as the colour of the hotel and it is created as same as the hotel outer. Font sizes and the spaces of the text are very much easy to read and the pictures they have used are attractive. It adds a big value to the hotel as after seeing the web site the user may think that “I must visit here”.

There are no flash and add-ones used by them, it is a peaceful space to a user without interruptions. Each and every image is loaded with the web site but the point of sharing via Facebook is not shown but they have used ALT tag for it. Site has no custom not found or 404 pages for them.


Company logo has prominently places in the top of the site on a white calm background. Photo line is placed in an attractive manner and it shows the purpose of the establishment clearly. Home page is digestible within 5 seconds. There’s a clear path to gather information about the company, they have publicize the history, location, awards, certifications and also the philosophies they are using such as “Go Green with Mount Lavinia Hotel”. When checking about the contact information the hotline number and the e-mail address is placed on the header of the web site. They have also made a separate page for contact information.


Main navigation is created exclusive manner by putting navigation labels such as Accommodation, catering & Conventions, Weddings and Dining. It is brief and concise and covers all the categories of it. Number of buttons and the links are reasonable for any user even they come up with informational purpose, transactional purpose or commercial purpose. 

Company Logo is linked to the home page and all the links are consistent with the purpose of the establishment. There’s no search point within the web site but it can’t be shown as a weak point because they have clearly mention all the divisions of it. However I suggest putting a search bar will make the users more convenience than this because it allows the user to find out what they need by their own.


Major headings are located clearly and descriptively to understand by anyone who view the web site. Critical content is above the fold as they have put a brief but attractive introduction on the hotel, significant parts like careers, social media touch points. Styles and the colours are consistent with the theme of Mount Lavinia Hotel as a peaceful and calm environment for visitors. URLs are meaningful and user friendly for visitors.

As the conclusions of the instant checking the usability of web site of Mount Lavinia Hotel I can suggest the web site has the capability of achieving objectives of the company by attracting the customers, trust building within the customers and doing online transactions.

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