Friday 12 June 2015

10 Marketing lessons you can learn from Hollywood movies

Movies are always aspirational, sometimes they touch some points that we have never thought of. Of course, they provide us lessons that important for personal life and for work life. They sometimes they change us, make us believe in ourselves, help us to dream big and provide the strength to face challenges.

Here in this article, I have come across and grab 10 quotes from my favourite Hollywood movies that can be a lesson for marketers.

Tuesday 2 June 2015

20 Most inspirational quotes for digital marketers

20 most inspirational quotes for digital marketers
In my blog I always wanted to provide guidelines, statistics and insights to improve yourself as a digital marketer. The world of a digital marketer is always changing and dynamic with new technology, inventions, and creativity. While reading about digital media landscape I came across some inspirational quotes what made me to think twice on my career in digital marketing. 

Here is a collection of quotes about digital marketing that I thought it would be interesting for you and make you inspire.

Monday 25 May 2015

Frequently asked questions on Bounce rate

Frequently asked questions on Bounce rate
If you have a website for your own business or you are managing a website of your client, you must be having a google analytics set up to track your website performance. If so you must be knowing about the bounce rate of your website. But do you know how it is calculated? what are the factors affecting to the bounce rate? or how you can decrease your website’s bounce rate? Here I have answered into frequently asked questions about website’s bounce rate.

What is exactly the bounce rate?

Friday 5 July 2013

My First YouTube Video - "Your Honeymoon"

This was my first YouTube channel for Albatroz Holidays, I enjoyed making this video with my small team.

Lyrics: Sulakkana Perera
Melody: Saman Senadheera
Artist: Saman Senadheera

Wednesday 26 June 2013

PPC : Pay Per Click Advertising

Hi Everyone, today I am going to tell you about PPC (Pay Per Click) Advertising and how a company can do it to gain advantages towards them.

So what is PPC?

Pay-Per-Click Advertising is a technique which the companies pay for each click, based on the keywords. According to Wikipedia it can be simply defined as “the amount spent to get an advertisement clicked.” This advertising can be purchased by three common ways,
1. CPC - Cost Per Click
2. CPM - Cost Per Impressions
3. CPA - Cost Per Action