Monday 25 May 2015

Frequently asked questions on Bounce rate

Frequently asked questions on Bounce rate
If you have a website for your own business or you are managing a website of your client, you must be having a google analytics set up to track your website performance. If so you must be knowing about the bounce rate of your website. But do you know how it is calculated? what are the factors affecting to the bounce rate? or how you can decrease your website’s bounce rate? Here I have answered into frequently asked questions about website’s bounce rate.

What is exactly the bounce rate?
According to google analytic definition,
“Bounce rate is the percentage of single-page sessions (i.e. sessions in which the person left your site from the entrance page without interacting with the page)”
Simply is the percentage of sessions that leave the website without having any interaction with other pages of the website.

A How a bounce can happen in different ways;

  • A visitor can click a link on another website
  • Click “back” button to go back
  • Open a new window or a tab and close this
  • Going back to search engine
  • Trying a new URL

How it is calculated;
Bounce rate = (Total number of visits one page only / Total number of visits) X 100

Factors affecting to the bounce rate

  1. Popups
  2. Surveys
  3. Ads
  4. Audio tracks or video
  5. Landing page of design
  6. Landing page message
  7. Call to action buttons
  8. Title of the page
  9. Load time of pages
  10. Link to external sites

Tips to decrease bounce rate

  1. Maintain top ranking for the brand related terms in search engine optimisation
If you have optimised your website for the keywords that associated with your brand, your visitors may find interesting in your site and the will not go back or search for another website.

  1. Provide relevant content
Your website should provide relevant content for your target audience, irrelevant content will let the audience to leave the page. The content should match with the requirement of the visitor, it should deliver what the visitor searched through keywords.

  1. Use simple language
Your language is a significant factor, always use a simple language and a consistent tone in your websites. If you are using range of industrial terms make sure to insert a glossary in your website, otherwise your audience will search for a user friendly website.

  1. Clear navigation bar
Clear navigation bar will act as a map for your visitors, with that they can easily find out to which page they need to go and it will reduce the bounces.

  1. Avoid unnecessary surveys, ads and popups
Surveys, advertisements and popups are always distract the visitor and it will also harm the main messages in the website. Cluttered page has higher bounce rates than uncluttered page that avoid surveys, ads and popups.

  1. Speed up the loading process
If your website takes longer time to load your visitors get bad impression even before the website displayed at their screen. Longer loading time leads for a higher bounce rate.

  1. Use appealing page titles
This is obvious, page titles are the first things what visitors read when they visited to the page, if the page titles are not interesting or appealing the visitors will leave the page. Fake or irrelevant titles will lead to ruin the trust of the website.

  1. Match the call to action buttons, colours and themes with the target audience
First review your target audience and then create your website theme, colours and call to actions. You can run an A/B test to select what are the most suitable touchpoints for them.

  1. Reduce no.of external pages or make them open in a new window
If you insert external link from your website and if the visitors find that is more interesting than  your page they will leave your page at once. It is better to avoid lot of external links from your or even you can set up links to open in another window.

  1. Avoid soundtracks and video tracks
If you think that inserting video and audio tracks in web page will attract visitors, No it won’t help you. Avoid unnecessary soundtracks and videos from your websites.

Hope you got a good understanding on what is bounce rate, how it happened, factors affecting the bounce rate and tips to improve the bounce rates.

Have a nice day!!

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